Saturday, January 7, 2017

My Collection Tour

I love movies and this is not a secret I have been collecting them since my college years taking on shows that I really liked. I used to be into comic book collecting with only a modest collection but that all changed in 2003. I had moved to a very isolated location where crime rates were high and it was very dangerous to go out at night. Netflix had not taken off by that time and I really wasn't into video renting so I instead started getting into the collection of physical media. This trend continued for the 7 years I spend there and followed me to my current location. Of course now that I have a life outside of work and home I have gotten quite behind on my viewing making it harder for me to catch up. In order to pay down debts incurred due to medical issues I have decided to do a bit of a halt to my collecting and figured this is a good time to show off my collection as I just reorganized.
Of course this shelf is the one that originally started me off. On top of this shelf is my Harry Potter Blu-Ray collection and my NIS America Collection. I am an Anime fan and NIS puts out some majorly awsome premium sets (I will discuss those in more detail on another Gems blog post). Many become out of print and are harder to get hold of these days so they are great not just to look at but great for the collection as well.
On my original movie shelf I have the Criterion collection. My wife and I combined our criterion movies for this and it continued for three more moves on the next shelf. I have always been a fan of Barnes & Nobles 50% off Criterion sale and hope to keep adding to this collection aspect.
Now we start to get into the meat of the collection. I had previously separated out TV and movies having all those that have gone unwatched turned down to tell me which ones I need to prioritize. This previous method led to a lot of movies falling off the shelve due to Cat intervention. I have now separated them out into watched and need to watch. This is the end of the Criterion Collection seen up top and the start of the unwatched section.
My current Townhouse has a rather useless cubby hole which I have utilized as further movie storage. This also houses a few of my cooler collections like my dark Shadows Collection in the back there. This section is harder to get into and work with but offers me space I could not turn down.
This is a Continuation of the cubby hole. I wanted to also clear up that my "Unwatched" section is not necessarily for items I haven't seen but is reserved for weather I have watched my copy of what is in the collection yet. I believe that even if something is new you should watch your copy first to make sure it is ok. This has gotten me rather far behind...
  This picture didn't turn out as well but it continues to extend my collection.
This is the end of my unwatched collection on the shelf you see in front of you. The shelf to the Right is the start of my "Watched" Collection.
This is a better view of my "Watched" collection shelving.
It extends from one end of the room to the next. I have left some room for expansion as you can see.
The Shelves were a deal at Best by allowing me to combine my movies and music collection. Unfortunately the height of the rows is poor making me store larger box sets on the top as you can see from this picture. I will be changing out these shelves one day in the event of a move as they are delicate and have fallen apart some over the years.
I have done a few things over the years to try and keep out only the movies I enjoy watching and Christmas movies are ones that I tend to only break out round the end of November and put back in January. I store these in these handy cases. I have 8 of these in all but only 2 are filled at present.
As stated previously I used to be a comic book collector and have made use of the boxes. I have about four of these in comics still but use the rest as overflow for movies and TV that are good to have in my collection (glee) but that I rarely ever want to watch again (glee). I also have a few boxes where I have deliberately taken series that have multiple volumes such and bought thinner ones. These I plan on either selling or using as gifts in the future.

I thank you for looking at my movie collection. If you see where there was a little overlap I took a few pics throughout the resorting process so it may look like there are a few doubles but now it is nice and clean and easy to operate. I can hope now that my collection has slacked off that I can make my "unwatched" fully join my "watched" sections in the future.

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